Leadership Assessment and Development
How do you identify the leaders of Tomorrow?
What can you do to help leaders succeed today?
How Talent Strengths can help with Leadership
We have a range of assessment and consulting solutions to help you achieve your objectives with your leadership:
• Selecting the best candidate for boardroom or senior executive appointments
• Benchmarking internal talent against the best external talent available
• Assessing future high potential leaders
• Assessing senior leadership teams and their capabilities for facing future business challenges

Custom Leadership Personality Assessments
Every organisation has different challenges, cultures and methods of working. Therefore, the attributes and competencies required for high performance and success in one organisation may be subtly different to that of another.
We can help you understand what high performance looks like in your organisation and create customised assessments tailored to the leadership roles in your organisation, matching the challenges they will face. With a library of 47 interchangeable personality scales, we can deliver more accurate and concentrated measurement of the attributes that really matter.
Talent Strengths provides a healthy step change from the industry’s typical approach of using “one size fits all” leadership models, for every occasion. We offer a choice of either customised assessments to suit your leadership context, or by linking to established leadership models whichever is appropriate for your organisation.
Exploring Preferred Leadership Styles
When delivering leadership coaching and development it can be helpful to understand the preferred leadership styles of the individual and also to explore how a leader may prefer to communicate and manage the relationships of those above them in the reporting chains.
The TSTI Leadership and Management Report provides essential information for self-reflection for leaders and managers in positions of authority. Coaches can discuss strengths and blind spots and also explore the person’s aspirational type and motives.