Career Guidance Assessments

Talent Strengths offers a broad range of career guidance assessments covering all ages to help individuals make better decisions about their future career. Whether starting out in the world of work or considering a career change, we have suitable assessments for both situations. Organisations going through transition and looking for outplacement support should take a closer look at what Talent Strengths has to offer.

Talent Strengths provides one of the most comprehensive suites of career guidance tools in the assessment industry. The Advanced Explorer Report combines information from 11 different tests and assessments to provide rich information on which to base career decisions and advice. Alternatively, a shorter assessment edition called the Standard Explorer Report is available which includes 6 tests and assessments.

Each report provides a comprehensive evaluation of an individual’s skills and abilities to help them understand their strengths and potential growth areas. The careers section identifies the key sectors that the person may prefer from a list of 24 sectors.
A list of rank ordered jobs is provided from a compendium of nearly 1,000 different job titles. Individuals may choose to take our Career Preferences Inventory only which provides digital links to a separate Career Library called the “Career Zone”. This contains detailed information about the job role, work environment, salary range and links to associated bodies important to that job role.

The TSTI Careers Report

Individuals looking for a more generalist perspective to career guidance can use the TSTI Careers Report. This report provides a profile based on the work of Holland’s Theory of Vocational Personality. The Profile displays 6 vocational personality types in priority order allowing the participant to explore more information about their top three vocational types.


The top 3 career themes are explored in greater detail in the narrative part of the report.